Iron.Stone Symposium

Iron.Stone Symposium

Iron.Stone Symposium
The Iron.Stone Symposium and Exhibition at the Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum will be a unique feature of the 7th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art. The symposium will focus on sculptural and land-based works integrating iron, stone and landscape and the large-scale works will be built onsite at Pedvale in the two months prior to the conference. The work produced in response to the symposium will be a unique exchange between landscape and iron even as the conference itself will be a unique exchange between Latvian art and international sculptural iron casting. The opening of the Iron.Stone exhibition will take place during the conference and will be an opportunity both to celebrate the work produced and celebrate the 15th Anniversary of sculptural iron casting at Pedvale. 

Carl Billingsley – Iron.Stone Projects
Professor, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC – billingsleyc/at/ecu/dot/edu
Ojars Feldbergs – 7th ICCCIA Director
Founder, Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum, LV – pedvale/at/pedvale/dot/lv
Ken Payne – Iron.Stone Projects
Professor of Sculpture, Buffalo State College, New York –

Elizabeth Helfer & Ben K. Foley (USA)
Viktar Kopach (Belarus)
Paige Henry (USA)
Daniel C. Postellon (USA)
Tamsie Ringler (USA)
Araan Schmidt (USA)