

7th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art

Coal•essence Iron forming art, ritual and landscape

Celebrating 15 years of iron casting at the Open-Air Art Museum at Pedvale
7. Starptautiskā laikmetīgās čuguna mākslas conference.
Savienošanās. Čuguns mākslā, rituālā, ainavā.
Atceroties pirmo čuguna liešanu Pedvāles brīvdabas mākslas muzejā pirms 15 gadiem.

Thank you all for your interest with the 2014, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art! With all of your commitment and help the conference will be inspirational, educational and a continuation of the community spirit of the sculptural iron casting movement. The conference will explore iron in landscape and ritual & be held during the week of Midsummer’s in June 19 -25, 2014.

The conference is generously being hosted at the Open-Air Museum at Pedvale in Latvia. 

The Open-Air Art Museum at Pedvale was opened by sculptor Ojars Arvids Feldbergs in 1991 and is now a State Historical Monument. The museum conceptually integrates the artistic and cultural heritage and the natural setting into a unified whole.

The conference is a four day event attracting over 200 people from around the world. It consists of exhibitions, discussions and demonstrations of new ideas in the international cast iron art community. The general public will have the opportunity to attend and watch this ferrous event.
